woensdag 23 september 2009
Ranger 2 weeks old
Time travels fast ! Today we took new pic's again on the Lone Ranger, already two weeks old...and looking into teh world since yesterday !
Clubshow 2009
vrijdag 18 september 2009
dinsdag 15 september 2009
The Lone Ranger turned one week old today..
Today Ranger turned one week old...what an age for a puppy :-) Of course it means it is phot time today...
Ranger is doing very well, his weight this morning was 387 gr. so he doubled his birth weight today. Also Lana is doing well, she does a great job raising and loving her singleton...
vrijdag 11 september 2009
We now know the name for Lana's singleton puppy : "Lone Ranger Cattledrivers Castle ". All is going very well with Lana and Ranger, he realy grows fine with the whole factory of milk for his own use. This picture was taken this morning, nice and warm in mam's coat.
woensdag 9 september 2009
Lana's singleton
Gisteren is Lana's eenling geboren....het is een reutje en hij woof 186 gram .....
Zijn broertje heeft het niet mogen halen helaas.
We denken nog na over zijn naam....
Lana en haar kleine maken het nu goed.
Yesterday Lana's singelton was born....it's a little boy and he weights 186 gram........
Unfortunatly his little brother did not make it.
We still think about his name..... Lana and the little one seem to do just fine for now.