vrijdag 18 september 2009

Zondag is de jaarlijkse clubmatch van de PKD en dus moeten er 2 in (het splinternieuwe)bad...vandaag was Keona aan de beurt, ze ziet er weer knap uit.....Morgen doen we Dootje, anders ziet hij er zondag al weer niet meer uit ....nu maar zien of ze zondag allebij hun best willen doen.
Sunday is the yearly clubshow of the dutch breedclub so time to take two of our four - leggeds into the brand new bathtub...today it was first Keona's turn, she looks pritty again. tommorow it's Domino's turn, otherwise he wil look like ....already again on sunday, he loves to make himself dirty !Now we must waith and see if they want to show themselves from their best side....

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